Key Features to Have on Your Furniture Ecommerce Website


Learn how augmented reality, virtual reality, and various other basic and advanced features are and how they can enhance customer experience and boost sales. Further, the blog will take you through the best practices that offer insights for building a successful furniture eCommerce website.


The eCommerce industry has undergone some remarkable changes in recent years. These changes were seen with the introduction of innovation and advancement through technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Commerce (VR).

These advancements have revolutionised the way consumers interact with products online, especially while shopping for furniture. Modern furniture stores have unprecedented opportunities to scale beyond traditional expectations and redefine the shopping experience for customers.

The introduction of various technologies like virtual commerce and 3D product rendering has emerged as a notable change for furniture retailers. Through these innovative technologies, furniture retailers can boost customer engagement and conversion.

Let’s dig deeper and find out the Key Features to Have on Your Furniture Ecommerce Website, along with some advanced features and best practices in the industry.

Key Features to Have on Your Furniture Ecommerce Store

Key features can be categorised into two types: General/Basic and Advanced. We will start with the basic and then the advanced one that will help you boost your sales.

General/Basic Features

1. User Profile and Profile Management

Customers need convenience, and one way to provide it is through a user profile. It gives them the ability to create and manage their profiles. User profiles help them track orders, addresses, payment methods, and more. Moreover, it allows them to save their preferences and Wishlist items as per their need.

2. Social Login/Signup

This process further simplifies the registration process by letting users sign up or log in to your furniture eCommerce store using their social media accounts like Facebook, Google, X (formerly Twitter), etc. It reduces the signup or log-in time while onboarding and encourages users to engage with your platform.

3. Product Catalogue

You need to build a catalogue that displays your vast range of furniture collections, with detailed and interactive descriptions and high-quality images. Use multiple angles and close-ups to give customers a clear view of each product and its features on your furniture eCommerce website.

4. Advanced Search & Filter Option

The advanced search option will let them search for the products easily using related terms like something to cover foot, head cover for winter, etc. It allows user to find products based on their preferences through advanced search options.

The filter option allows sorting products by price range, colour, material, style, and other relevant attributes to simplify and smoothen the browsing experience. It permits customers to find the products they are looking for.

5. Review and Ratings

Building customer trust is the utmost priority if you want a long-lasting relationship with them. Displaying genuine customer reviews and ratings helps foster trust and credibility for each product. You can further encourage genuine customers to leave reviews and ratings to show your commitment to customer satisfaction.

6. Guest and Single Page Checkout

Some customers, especially first-time buyers, avoid providing personal information like email or mobile number. In these cases, guest checkout is the most viable option to facilitate sales and save you from losing sales.

Contrary to this, a single-page checkout on your furniture eCommerce store allows customers to fill in the required details and checkout swiftly. It minimises the number of steps and distractions to reduce cart abandonment rates. It will improve the user experience and increase conversions.

7. Detailed Description & High-Quality Images

A detailed description tells users what the product consists of. It presents information about dimensions, materials, and features to make informed purchase decisions. Similarly, quality images display products from multiple angles and highlight their design, craftsmanship, and aesthetics to enhance the visual appeal and credibility of the products displayed on the furniture eCommerce store.

8. Loyalty Program

Loyalty is something that needs to be rewarded. Therefore, you must reward loyal and recurring customers with exclusive benefits and discounts through a structured loyalty program. The program can offer points for purchases, referrals, and social engagement. Customers can redeem these rewards for future purchases.

9. Affiliate Program

Do you want to promote your products without spending much on advertising and marketing? Achieve your furniture eCommerce website promotion through an affiliate program.

It expands your reach and boosts sales by establishing an affiliate program that incentivizes partners to promote your products. Provide affiliates with marketing materials, tracking tools, and competitive commissions to encourage their participation and drive traffic to your furniture eCommerce website.

These are some basic features that every furniture eCommerce store must have. However, there are hundreds of other features that you can add to your website.

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Advanced Features

Moving on to the advanced features which can help boost your conversion and help multiply your sales.

Product Categorisation

Organize your product catalogue into intuitive categories to facilitate smooth browsing and navigation. Categorisations provide a hierarchical structure with clear labels and subcategories to help users quickly find products they are looking for.

Push Notifications

Constantly updating your customers about your furniture eCommerce website is a plus point. Push notifications allow you to connect with customers and keep them informed about new arrivals, promotions, and exclusive offers through push notifications. You can customise messages based on user preferences and behaviour to deliver relevant and timely updates.

Multi-Language Support

Having multi-language support lets you cater to a global audience. It allows users to browse and shop on your furniture eCommerce website in their preferred language. It translates website content, product descriptions, and customer support materials to provide a seamless experience for international customers.


Providing 24/7 chat support is not possible for any business. You need some form of assistance to answer customer queries in real time. A trained chatbot based on ChatGPT or other AI tools can offer immediate assistance to your customers within seconds. It helps them in resolving their issues and improve the overall experience.

Visual Commerce

Visual Commerce is quite a new concept that immerses your product display. It elevates the shopping experience with 3D product visualization, which helps them check the product wholly and try different available options based on their preferences and needs.

Visual commerce with the help of a 3D product configurator, allows customers to customise several features of the products like shape, colour, material, etc. This level of personalisation helps them to visualise how furniture will look in their own space.

Social Commerce

Integrating social media channels into your furniture eCommerce platform allows customers to shop directly from their favourite social networks. Enable social sharing, user-generated, and social proof to drive traffic and sales through social channels.

Implement Geolocation

Improve your user experience by implementing geolocation features. It will help localise product recommendations and shipping options. With the help of an IP detector, you can automatically display relevant content, pricing, and shipping information based on the user's location.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is the new trend in the market, especially furniture eCommerce website. It allows customers to visualise furniture in their surroundings using AR technology. It helps them decide on the perfect item, increasing their confidence and reducing returns.

Augmented Reality, along with 3D products is changing the way customers experience, making it easier for them to visualise what they are buying and how it will look in the real world.

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Best Practices to Follow on Furniture Ecommerce Website

Interactive UI/UX

Design is an intuitive way for users to interact with your furniture eCommerce website. It helps customers navigate and use your website. Clear calls-to-action, visual cues, and animations guide users through the shopping journey effortlessly.

Fast Loading Time

Quick response is what every customer wants. If a website takes time to load, the chances of users leaving it increases. Therefore, you need to optimise your website for speed to ensure quick loading times and minimize bounce rates. Compress images, minimize HTTP requests, and utilize caching techniques to improve page load times and enhance user experience.

Secure Payment Options

Data security is one of the primary concerns of customers, especially payment details. For this reason, prioritising the security of the payment gateway is paramount. You need to ensure the payment gateway is SSL-encrypted and PCI DSS-compliant.

Further, display the security badges to reassure customers about the safety of their transactions to instil confidence and reduce cart abandonment.

Easy Navigation

It means a clean and simplified navigation with clear menus, breadcrumbs, and intuitive search functionalities. It allows you to ensure that users can easily find what they are looking for and explore related products without feeling overwhelmed or lost.

Mobile Responsiveness

While discussing the best practices, how can we forget the most important one - mobile responsiveness. It is essential to ensure that your website is fully responsive across devices so customers have a consistent shopping experience.

To achieve mobile responsiveness, you need to optimise design elements, layouts, and functionality for smaller screens to accommodate mobile shoppers effectively.

Clear URL Structure

Having a clear URL structure is crucial for optimising the page for search engines and user readability. It incorporates relevant keywords and descriptive phrases. Use a logical hierarchy, authorised tags, and redirects to improve crawlability and indexability, which enhances your furniture eCommerce website’s visibility in search engine results.

Wrap Up

Establishing a successful furniture eCommerce website requires a strategic blend of innovative features, intuitive design, and seamless functionality. Through technologies like augmented reality and virtual reality, leveraging visual commerce, and adhering to best practices, furniture eCommerce website owners can create immersive shopping experiences that resonate with modern consumers.

You can stay ahead of the curve by implementing the basic and advanced features to your furniture eCommerce website. You further need to optimise your eCommerce platform to meet the needs and expectations of your target audience. With the right approach and commitment to excellence, your furniture eCommerce website can thrive and establish a strong presence in the competitive market.

However, if you want to build a modern furniture eCommerce website or wish to add more advanced features to enrich the customer experience, connect with our team, who can help and guide you in the process.

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