Workforce Management Solutions
FutureSoft provides consulting on WFM tool (IEX – TotalView) to meet the desired goals of the management/customer and help delivering excellence using it.

FutureSoft provides consulting on WFM tool (IEX – TotalView) to meet the desired goals of the management/customer and help delivering excellence using it.
Like an old saying, possessing a weapon with out having the knowledge or skill to use that weapon can be more dangerous than not having it. Possessing the skill or knowledge to use a software is as important as procuring a new software. So, it is as important to have people who can use the workforce management tool as having a workforce management tool to improve the efficiency of the organization.
Keeping this in mind, at Futuresoft we have developed various kind of training modules to enable people to use IEX TotalView more effectively and efficiently. Having people with right kind of knowledge to use IEX TotalView will enable you realise Return on Investment (ROI) much faster..
TotalView Start-up Training is a programme which will help the user to learn as how to set up TotalView system to achieve service goals and other business requirements. This programme will be tailor made after having inputs from Workforce management team, operations managers and senior managers. This programme will give over view and knowledge about various features of TotalView.
Refresher trainings are generally short in length and it is subject specific. It is good for the people who have just joined or new to TotalView. This also helps the people who have already attended a Start-up training to strengthen their knowledge in a specific area.
Webminars are short presentations lasts any where between 30 minutes to 90 minutes and delivered via internet. These are not alternates to training but supplements to the training programs. We generally present about some special and use features and tips to use the tool more efficiently.