Tips to make your eCommerce website SEO friendly


The process of eCommerce development essentially aids in improvising a sales and marketing strategy for an eCommerce brand. Whether you are into clothing, electrical gadgets, home appliances, to name a few, eCommerce development is a supportive investment. However, you need to make sure that the website is being run efficaciously to reach your potential customers at the right time. An effective SEO friendly website can alone solve a multitude of problems. The blog discusses the tips that you could follow and implement to make eCommerce development SEO friendly to eventually enhance its progress rate.

As a business competing in the digital era, you need to know what strategies you could implement to beat the competition. While there are plenty of ways to enhance the reach of an eCommerce website, a good SEO strategy tops the list. This blog discusses in brief how to have your eCommerce development process SEO friendly. Continue reading it to grasp a better understanding of it.


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1. Conduct keyword research that takes buyer intent into account

Don't limit your keyword research to the terms that are most frequently searched for in your sector. Buyer intent must be taken into consideration.

Buyer intent is concerned with the purpose behind a search query. Examine the particular words and phrases that users enter search engines when conducting internet searches to spot it.

The two primary categories of keyword intent are:

  • Informational keyword intent: These queries ask, "how do I?" or provide factual information. In these situations, the searcher is looking for more information about the topic at hand.
  • Commercial keyword intent: These searches occur when a user is aware of what they are looking for but is unsure of where to find it. For example, they might type "purchase smartphone" or "get London hotel prices." Commercial keyword users frequently have greater purchasing intent.

There are several methods for figuring out keyword intent. A keyword tool like Google's keyword planner could be used. A tool like Ubersuggest could also be employed. For content writers, bloggers, and copywriters who wish to come up with fresh content ideas or research user search terms, this tool is helpful. You can also think about utilizing Answer the Public. With this tool, you can easily find out what people are searching for by entering your keyword on the home page.

2. Utilize a Basic URL Structure

The UX of your e-commerce site is improved when the URL structure is straightforward. It enhances your SEO for e-commerce operations by giving search engines more pertinent info. Additionally, it makes it simpler to share things on websites and social media.

URLs should be as brief and simple to read as feasible.

A BAD EXAMPLE is available at:

A GOOD EXAMPLE is available at

Your URLs should contain keywords, which is crucial. "Meta tags" are the term for these. They communicate to search engines the subject matter of your page. To determine where the page should rank in SERPs, search engines scan the URL and use the keywords in the URL.

To assist website users in going back and forth and retracing their steps, utilize a navigational feature like breadcrumbs. To improve SEO, you can add them using JavaScript or markup elements.

Avoid using stop words in URLs as well. The words "the," "and" "of," and "a" are stop words. These can harm your SEO rankings and make your material harder to read.

3. Improve The URL For Crawling by Search Engines

URLs are more crucial for SEO than they would first appear. Optimized URLs can make it much simpler for search engine bots to find, crawl, and comprehend your website. Adequate URL architecture will also aid in the indexation of your website. Given that FutureSoft India offers the greatest SEO services, we suggest using them for this crucial task.

On the other side, effective URLs can better tell your visitors about the information on your page. A good user experience also encourages people to stay on your website longer. There will be more chances to turn them into clients.

4. Ensure That Your Website Is Accessible

User experience is referred to as UX. Good design can improve UX by improving the aesthetics' visual appeal! But creating a functional website is just as important as having one that looks attractive. Navigation, usability, and the general "feel" of the website are all included in user experience.

Making sure users can find what they're searching for, keeping them interested while browsing, and providing the optimal user experience are all part of UX. Although you might not think it, UX and SEO have been interacting for some time. UX is also crucial for discoverability.

5. Boost Product Images 

Websites for electronic commerce must have images. They serve as the sale's ignition. Your visuals must be of the highest calibre, captivating, and original. However, amazing photographs alone are not enough, especially if you want bots to find them. Images have a lot of SEO potential because Google Images search results can send a lot of traffic back to your website.

Make sure the ALT tag is filled out, which is a description where you can add worthwhile and distinctive keywords.

6. Check to see if traffic is turning into sales

Increasing traffic is one thing but making revenue from that traffic is quite another. Verify whether your regular visits are converting to paying clients. Using Google Analytics, you can analyze your traffic and spot potential improvement areas. As a result, you may identify the source of your traffic, the devices being used, the personas who are most likely to convert, the proportion of conversions that are brought about by SEO, and so on.

7. Link Building for Online Shopping

Link building affects SEO rankings. Google is informed that your site has credibility via quality links. Backlinks have an impact on your website's keyword rankings as well.

Doesn't that sound great? But how do you go about building these crucial backlinks?

Here are a few techniques for doing this:

  • establishing internal links
  • utilizing social media ads when creating guest posts
  • publishing on social media and releasing press releases
  • making forum posts and blog comments (if allowed)
  • publishing infographics online, producing white papers and case studies
  • These are all valid strategies for creating high-quality links. You shouldn't take shortcuts by purchasing connections, even though they can be time-consuming.

Some purchased connections go against Google's rules, and the quality is sometimes in question if you purchase inexpensive links. Low-quality links result in worse SERP ranks, less traffic, and possible harm to your site's reputation.

8. Insert a Sitemap

The visual depiction of your website or digital goods is called a sitemap. Visitors can explore several sites and get a bird's-eye view of the website.

All your website's pages, from category pages to product pages, should be listed in your sitemap. All the goods, subcategories, and other information found in those sections should also be included.

A sitemap can be created manually or automatically using a programme like Google's Webmaster Tools. Both XML and HTML are used in sitemaps, though HTML sitemaps are more beneficial to users.

Conclusion: Time to Implement the Tips into Actions

Now that you are aware as to what techniques play a supportive role in turning a website SEO-friendly, it’s high time to get into the process to make your website reach the heights that it deserves to witness. A good SEO strategy will aid in disposing of the speed breakers that come in between the success of your website. In case you require any help regarding the same, seek professional SEO guidance. Our team at FutureSoft would like to extend its hands in assistance of eCommerce development and great SEO strategies for the same.

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