RecoFlex: Account Reconciliation Management Software

RecoFlex: Nex-Gen Accurate Reconciliation for Simplified and Automate process!
Introducing an advanced end-to-end account reconciliation solution, designed to streamline and automate the reconciliation process significantly. This system enhances efficiency by minimizing reliance on manual expertise, offering web-based functionalities for Reviews, Maker-Checker, and Escalation, ensuring accurate reconciliation within reduced periods.
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Reconciliations Solutions

Benefits of RecoFlex: Accurate Reconciliation

Recoflex end-to-end account reconciliation solution for effortless accuracy.

Enhanced Accuracy

Achieve precise results through standardized processes and automated reconciliation, ensuring accurate financial data integrity.

Greater Control

Maintain oversight with Reviews, Escalations & Approvals integrated into the automated account reconciliation process, enhancing control and compliance.

Efficiency and Cost Savings

Automate account reconciliation to streamline operations, reducing costs while improving efficiency across financial processes.

Identify Discrepancies

Quickly identify and resolve account balance discrepancies with intuitive tools, ensuring accurate reconciliation in financial reporting.

Multi-Account Environment

Adapt seamlessly to complex needs with customizable rules and user-parameterized settings, supporting diverse account reconciliation management software.

Timely Insights with MIS Reports

Access real-time management information system (MIS) reports online, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning for end-to-end account reconciliation solution.

Features of RecoFlex: Account Reconciliation Management Software


User Management

The system includes capabilities for managing users, facilitating the creation and maintenance of user IDs (with options for addition and removal). It supports accurate reconciliation and automates account reconciliation process.

Role Based Access Rights

Access Rights can be controlled for a group of users (Role) using account reconciliation management software.

Multiple Account Setup

The system supports setting up and processing multiple Recon accounts (sets) and managing multiple Customer Accounts within an end-to-end account reconciliation solution.

Multiple Customers

The account reconciliation management software enables managing multiple accounts for various customers in a single system, with the option to physically segregate each customer's data for enhanced security.

Aging Rule Account

Under an automated account reconciliation process, all accounts of a specific type subject to aging rules are aged according to specified rules, ensuring accurate reconciliation.

Relationship Management

This feature within the end-to-end account reconciliation solution allows for establishing and managing relationships between users and customers.


Account Matching

The account reconciliation management software performs sequential matching of records for single or all accounts.

Account Rule

Within the end-to-end account reconciliation solution, this feature allows specifying a single account rule to guide the reconciliation process.

Multiple Account Rule

The automated account reconciliation process allows reconciliation based on multiple account rules, ensuring accurate reconciliation outcomes.


Expand and Collapse Transaction

In automated account reconciliation processes, users can split a transaction into multiple ones and consolidate transactions based on reference numbers, ensuring accurate reconciliation.

Write-off and Reverse Write-off

Within an end-to-end account reconciliation solution, transactions overdue for reconciliation can be written off and later undone, unless external data feeds have been generated.

Reconciliation Soft Closure

In the account reconciliation management software, transactions from closed accounts are accessible through the "Overdue Rec Stages" link.

Recon Review & Finalization

Within an end-to-end account reconciliation solution, transactions for a specific account can be definitively closed by an approver, preventing further uploads.

Email notification for Reco. Review

The account reconciliation management software automatically generates an email notification to a reviewer when an account is soft-closed by the reconciler.

Send Match Set for review

In the automated account reconciliation process, the reconciler can forward specific matched transactions to an approver for review.

Usage Instruction

The system can maintain a list of various usage instructions to facilitate accurate reconciliation processes.

Account Docs

Within an end-to-end account reconciliation solution, files can be stored in account documents using the browse button for easy access and management.

Replace Reference

The account reconciliation management software allows specifying whether the reference number of transactions uploaded from a file can be edited for a particular account type.


Journal Voucher Data

The system generates journal voucher entries for variance match sets, ensuring accurate reconciliation of accounts.


Currency and Location Setup

In the automated account reconciliation process, the system maintains a list of various currencies and manages details of various locations for efficient operations.

Business Unit

The end-to-end account reconciliation solution stores and manages business unit details for comprehensive organizational oversight and management.

Account Template

Multiple account templates can be created and managed within the system for structured and efficient account management.

Recon Source & Type

The system supports setting up multiple types of reconciliation data inputs and maintains a list of reconciliation types within the application.

Recon Rule & Frequency

The system allows managing details for reconciliation rules and handling specifications for the frequency of reconciliation processes.

Problem Escalation

An escalation email is triggered in case of issues encountered during the upload process.


Outstanding Transactions Report

This report displays all outstanding transactions currently present in the system.

Reconciliation Report

The reconciliation report displays all transactions that have been reconciled.

Variance Report

This report displays transactions that have been reconciled with variances.

Recon Work Dashboard (Client Work Set and Period Wise)

Transactions can be categorized by date range for either a single client or all clients.

Resource-Wise Account-Wise Productivity Report

Users are provided with a report detailing resource-wise reconciliation workload and set-wise resource utilization.

Exhibit Report

The system provides an exhibit report categorized by annexure.

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